Nation of New York: Locations

The Railyard Collective

A bombed-out condo in former WIlliamsburg, Brooklyn. See Scenario: You All Meet at a Rave

Old City Hall Station


The central headquarters for the Nation of New York chapter of Thumos is inside the old abandoned City Hall station in lower Manhattan. During the anarchy of the fall of the United States, this gorgeous, antique subway station fell into even further disrepair than it already had been in. Thumos set it up as the main safehouse of New York.

Centre Street and Chambers Street

The Dynapse Arcology

Midtown Manhattan



Edward “Eddie” Mayfair

Hero to Outlanders across North America, Mayfair was the core of the Dissolution Movement that ultimately brought down the United States. Now in his 50s, he is a hero to Outlanders everywhere and presides over the town of Mayfair (renamed in his honor) in former central New York State. Rumor has it that he is also deeply involved with the Third Ring, an anti-anthroid organization, and has plans to bring "freedom" to the Nation of New York. Further rumors hint that his plan has something to do with New York's water supply...

Mikus Enger

The world's first trillionaire, Mikus was the former CEO of Dynapse and is now known primarily as the founder of Taloka, the "Forever City." He is a techno-utopian optimist and believes that capital and technology will save humanity from itself. It's rumored that he left Dynapse due to ideological differences with the militaristic direction the company was taking.

Celeste Hyden

The current CEO of Dynapse. Believes that military armament is the best business to be in and has steered the company toward soldier and police anthroid applications.

Wyn Nylund

The Mayor and President of the Nation of New York. Unlike her social democrat predecessors, she is significantly less interested in social programs and significantly more in the pocket of the major corporations that call New York home, especially Dynapse.

Dalton Byrn