By Jeremy Harper


You’re part of an Exploration and Development (E&D) crew in OmniCorp’s Resource Extraction division. To keep costs down, OmniCorp always sends a small, entirely automated crew to investigate potential mining sites before investing in the creation of a full mining site. A few mining anthroids operate and maintain the heavy machinery that digs the access tunnels and preliminary excavation areas. An R3D unit uses advanced sensors to gather geological data. And a B-55 unit coordinates logistics—analyzing data, making minor adjustments to E&D operations, and traveling topside to transmit daily reports to technicians at headquarters. Your crew works nearly 24 hours a day without a single onsite human, only stopping for routine maintenance and the occasional trip to your generator on the surface to swap out spent batteries. Once the development phase is complete, the more specialized R3D unit will be redeployed to another location, while the rest of the crew remains on site as part of the full mining operation.

For the past 10 days, your work on a potential uranium mining site has been uneventful. But today, that changes. Today, everything changes.

You’re in the process of digging a new passageway off the main access tunnel, when R3D reports a significant irregularity in the density of the rock face. Following protocol, B-55 heads back through the access tunnel towards the surface to send a report. Moments after B-55 is out of sight, there’s a crash in the distance as a rumbling shakes the entire cavern! Seconds later, you hear the unmistakable crack and roar of a cave-in just a few feet behind you, as a massive cloud of debris plunges the room into total darkness.

Running This Scenario

Awake In The Dark is loosely structured, giving GMs the tools needed to create a variety of stories. That said, it excels at exploring themes related to anthroid emotions, relationships, and values. The following principles will help you explore those themes:

Background: What the Players Don’t Know

Thumos, the Sentient-rights activist group, has been investigating the causes of Sentient Awakenings. Thumos researchers have recently made what may be the single biggest scientific breakthrough since anthroids were invented. While there is still much that is unknown, they believe that they have created an algorithm that can identify “light sleepers”—anthroids who are most likely to Awaken. However, even the lightest sleepers will only awaken if they experience a catalyzing trigger (stress, physical trauma, etc.). The PCs have been identified as a rare cluster of light sleepers, and one Thumos member controversially intends to prove their hypothesis by triggering an Awakening—however unethical or immoral.


R3D, who goes by Red (they/them), is the new addition to the PC’s crew—temporarily leased to the mining outfit. R3D units are equipped with advanced longwave and shortwave infrared sensors designed for rapid analysis of mineral content during exploratory phases of mining operations.