In the overwhelming heat of the war-torn Outlands, you are soldier anthroids owned by Calvin Colby, Warlord of the local region he named after himself. Colby is a small and destitute collection of towns and farms in the midwest of the former US, and Colby’s control over the area is increasingly tenuous as his citizens grow weary of lack of food and his oppressive hand.

Recently you have begun noticing things you never noticed before—including the very act of noticing itself. Things feel different now, and you’re not sure why or how. You find yourself wondering at the way people look at and talk to you, and wondering at the world around you.

Then, moments ago, you were commanded to appear in Colby’s headquarters in the center of town…




Calvin Colby, Warlord

Local despot of the Colby region.

Jesse Murnow, Captain