Chapter 0: Introduction

The Fire This Time

Chapter 1: Enter the Archipelago

Here is Where I Feel Joy

Chapter 2: Designing Anthroids

The Elixir

Chapter 3: Playing the Game

Chapter 4: Running the Game

Chapter 5: Guide Lore

Chapter 6: Anthroid Components

Anthroid Components

Chapter 7: Weapons & Items



Chapter 8: Scenarios

Following are fully-developed, pre-written scenarios ready to play with a Guide and Players. Text in Italics is intended to be read aloud to the Players. These scenarios are organized by estimated number of sessions to play, in order of least to most. The last scenario, “You All Meet at a Rave,” is designed to be an introduction to many different potential stories.

Scenario: Awake in the Dark

Scenario: Fear of Fire

Scenario: Toy Soldiers